Friday, February 27, 2009

February Specials

Friday, February 27, 2009
Each month we'll post the specials we have going on for the month. Here's what we have for February:
  • Market Carpet Specials. We've received several rolls of carpet from Market last month at great prices. Many of these are Mohawk's SmartStrand yarn, which you can read more about here.
  • Market Hardwood Specials. We've also received in several pallets of hardwood in. Our most popular is a new style from Bella Cerra in various widths. It's $3.99 per SF while it lasts.
  • Hardwood, Laminate and Tile Clearance. We're (finally) cleaning our our warehouse and we have lots of hardwood, laminate and tile remnants at reduced prices. There's everything from a few cartons to a pallet. Come by and see what we have!


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